Saturday, January 15, 2011

M.L.K 2012

A.T.M Artists Breezy On'Star & Jay Morris with another inspirational hit!
Follow them on twitter @Kngcharming & @Breezyonstar

Monday, January 3, 2011

ATM Saves Christmas Official video

December 24th 2010 Was a day full of magic in Toronto everyone happy getting their shopping done the night before Christmas. At this time most children are excited and ready to open their presents in the morning. As you must know not every child is as fortunate to have the same feeling as other kids do. A.T.M made it a mission to bring this feeling to children who wouldn't have it on Christmas morning, cause we all do love presents :) especially children. A.T.M headed out with a couple of the family members ( Jay, Kidd && Shyguy) with a bunch of toys downtown to a place were we could help bring the magic of Christmas in the lives of some children. We ran into a few obstacles as you seen in the video, the shelter that we were originally aiming for was closed :| but we did not loose the spirit we kept positive that we were going to get our mission completed one way or the another. As we were stump in plans in the middle downtown giving money to homeless people we still had a bunch of toys to give away. Couple blocks later We got a sudden reality check and reminder on how beautiful & social the city of Toronto is. We ran into Jesse a cool dude we met he actually worked in a shelter for older men. We got to talking we told him about are mission and what we wanted to accomplish. a few phone calls jesse came forward with a few options and the biggest opportunity (bigger than we expected) to bring Christmas to a real life family in the heart of Toronto it was a single mother of three who really had nothing in the Jane&Sheppard community. We choose to go with jesse and drive to her house from downtown to see if we could accomplish what set out for. We didn't know what we where getting ourselves in too but something about this day told us too push forward. We got to the woman's house and from the looks of it she had nothing but still she showed the Christmas sprite by decorating her house with old Christmas cards and filling stockings with old teddy bears and putting them under the tree. After spending moments with her we showered her with presents for her and the three children. puzzle, remote control cars Ect were all giving to the kids. Her 4 year old daughter jump for joy as we delivered Christmas that she wouldn't of had if we did not set out on this spontaneous mission. "You're like are secret Santa" the woman said as we left her to enjoy Christmas with her family and we set off to enjoy Christmas with rest of the A.T.M family.

Bigg Shout Out's Too Jesse For helping us complete are mission.
